Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Baggage I Left Behind

People often become attached to the kind of life they are used to living. The memoir shows people how moving forward would mean heartache for others. This memoir was written to remind everyone that the people we meet in our lives contribute to whom we are today.The life-changing experiences included in this memoir have been grafted from the life of an extraordinary individual, who has given life a second chance. Although location once became a hindrance, the author was able to show the readers that it was never too late to rise up and correct the mistakes in the past.The memoir follows a journal style, wherein thoughts have been incorporated according to how they were perceived. Chapters were omitted on purpose to give the readers a light feeling when browsing through the text. Real pictures were also incorporated in the memoir to give the readers an idea of how the author lived. This also exhibits a more personal touch from the author to the readers.The contents of memoir are based from the experiences of the author sometime in her early life. These were included to show the readers that all people are born equal. Each have the right to love, hurt, and accept the things that are happening around us.  The Baggage I Left BehindI have always believed that my life was extraordinary. I did things that normal teenagers my age would do and socializing with other people was never a problem for me either. I had friends in school, and in the neighborhood, who contributed to the wonderful memories I had in my youth.I lived my life the way I wanted to. I was free to do the things that I wanted and I had friends who always came to my aid. Academics were never a problem for me, for I always had the drive to work hard and someday excel in my chosen field. Things were falling into place, until my father broke the news to us.When I was in junior year, my father told us about his decision to move to the United States. The news was heartbreaking, for this meant that I would no t be seeing my father for a long time. I tried to keep my emotions intact, but my father explained to us that it was for the best.He also said that he may be able to provide more for our needs if he earned more money. Although we were not in favor of this decision, we allowed our father to leave. Soon, he was on his flight to the United States.The emotional dilemma started when my father was starting to settle in the United States. I was closer to my father than my brother was. I was lonely most of the time because my father has always been a big piece of my life.We did things together and this was the first time that we were separated. My father called every once in a while, but this was not enough to make me feel that he was safe. After all, he was seven thousand miles away from me.The time came when my father became preoccupied with work. He started to miss calls, until he never called us at all. We were all worried because my father an illness. We did not know how he was, and wh at he was doing. My mother and I would have sleepless nights thinking of how my father was, and gave numerous prayers to guarantee his safety.Finally, we received news from one of his friends saying that my father was alright. He was just busy with work, so that he may be able to earn much money for us. The friend also said that my father wanted us to know that after my high school graduation, the rest of the family was also leaving the NAME OF COUNTRY to join him in the United States.I was left in awe upon hearing the news. I had mixed emotions that I could not contain inside my body. I did not know what to feel and how to react with this drastic change in our lives. At the same time, I was excited because it has been months since I last saw my father, but I was also gloomy.I have lived in NAME OF COUNTRY all my life, and moving to a new environment would be difficult from my end. I had to learn to adapt a new culture and reach out and meet new friends. I had mixed emotions towards this new endeavor. The hardest part for me was to accept the fact that my blissful life in NAME OF COUNTRY was about to end.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Unitizing is very important in learning of mathematics. It is a mental operation that helps to understand and solve complex mathematical problems by separating classifying the values involved into units. Unitizing is grouping of a known number used in representing quantities. It is useful in understanding the value as well as developing counting strategies (Wright, Leeson & Geake, 2002). In addition, unitizing is very useful in understanding and developing the meaning of division as well as multiplication of both natural numbers and fractions. Unitizing is used in quite many settings in mathematical objects. These settings include geometry, algebra, measurements, number and operations and in data analysis and probability. In geometry, unitizing is very important in visualizing changes, in addition or multiplication and in developing the ability to reason, predict and represent knowledge appropriately. Unitizing is also very useful in algebra, where it is applied in both structural and procedural algebra. Procedural algebra is how to solve a problem where numerical values to solve algebraic equations are assigned, for instance; Find x if y=7 in 3Ãâ€"2-4y=20 Here, 3Ãâ€"2-4(7) =20 3Ãâ€"2 –28 = 20 3Ãâ€"2 = 48 x2 = 48/3 = 16 x = 4 Unitizing here can be applied in for instance giving the value of x, which can be given as 2Ãâ€"2 or 2+2. In this case ‘2’ is unitizing. Structural algebra involves use of letters to manipulate algebraic expressions. In number and operations, unitizing facilitates the understanding numbers and representing them. It is also useful in understanding fractions, for instance 1/2 can be written as 1?2 or 1x ? Unitizing is very useful in understanding multiplication and division of natural numbers as well as fractions. For instance, 2 x 4=8, can better be understood through learning many ways of approaching the problem. It can also be written as 2 x (2) (2) = (2) (4) Or as 2 x (2) (2) = (2) (2) (2). Unitizing 2 simplifies the understanding of the problem. More complex values can also be used such as: 4 x 16=64 this can be better understood by unitizing 4 such that the problem is represented as: 4x (4) (4) = (4) (4) (4) Developing understanding of division is also very much facilitated by the knowledge of unitizing. For instance, in determining the number of 8’s that are in 400, division should be performed as follows; 400/8 = 50, here 8 is unitizing To get to understand this better, simpler figures than 400 should be used but still the value of the numbers should be restored. This can only be acquired through unitizing and it can be as follows, 800/2 ? 8 2 can be unitizing such that 240/2 ?(2) (2) (2) and this simplifies the problem. Section 2 Unitizing is very important since it simplifies mathematical operations and facilitates understanding of the operations. It is important since it helps in development of deep and relevant reasoning especially when the unitizing value is being determined. Unitizing is so important since it facilitates the understanding of mathematical objects such as number and operations, especially in fractions, ratios and proportions. Unitizing helps in performing mathematical operations task with a lot of flexibility and confidence. Students should always be encouraged to practice unitizing in all their mathematical activities. Failure for the students to unitize leads to operating with too complex values and hence difficulties arise in trying to solve the problems. Operating with large numbers like for example multiplying 125 and 216 is quite hectic but if unitizing is applied, the operation becomes very easy and speed in generating the answer is increased. Section 3 Students frequently use unitizing especially in addition problems using the procedure of whole number, for instance, 8 + 14 = 22 Can also be approached through unitizing such that: 8 + (7+ 7) = 22 nitizing by using 7 can be practiced by the students. Students are also using unitizing in understanding part-whole concepts. For instance, students have used unitizing to be able to arrive at answers concerning fractions like, ? + ?. This can written as ? + ? . ? whereby unitizing is done by ? However, unitizing may not be done on some operations for instance those that originate from mathematical objects like measurement (Anghileri, & Julia 2001). This is a key concept in maths especially for the appreciation of invariance of length and angle measure. Students should not unitize in measuring angles since the size of the angle does not change. Similarly, the length measure does not change unless the size of what is being measured changes students also are unable to use unitizing in probability and data analysis especially when the problems are on formulation of questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize and display relevant data to answer them. Section 4 Students should be posed with a lot of contexts and opportunities as well as representations that will facilitate their unitizing. Many geometrical as well as algebraic problems should be provided to the students and they should be framed in such a way that unitizing is encouraged. Problems that require comparisons and representations by variables as well as these that require practice of conceptual understanding such as addition and multiplication of fractions should be given to the students. This improves the students ability for unitizing, something that facilitates their solving strategies. Representations should be encouraged among students since it is through this that they will be able to organize, record and also communicate mathematical ideas. Conclusion Unitizing is a very important mental function that is highly applicable in mathematics. It improves efficiency in solving mathematical problems. It helps students to develop a deeper meaning and understanding of mathematical operations such as multiplication, addition and division. It also enables students to develop diverse and applicable counting strategies as well as conceptual understanding. Therefore. Unitizing should highly be encouraged among the students for better performance in their solving of problems.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) - Essay Example Similarly, he attended the Nebraska College of Chiropractic where he obtained a degree in 1924. He studied the works of leaders in both osteopathic and chiropractic professions incorporating his engineering background because he felt that there were contradictions within the professions. He divided his time to both the practice and researching the principles of chiropractic techniques until his death in 1992.This technique was developed by Major DeJarnette during his years in patient care and research while seeking chiropractic treatment. This method was designed because of the need to assist the chiropractor to locate and correct a distortion in the primary pattern of the body. The procedures used in diagnosing Sacro occipital techniques are classified into three categories namely; category one, category two, and category three. Category one occurs due to subluxated or misalignment of sacro- iliac joint. This misalignment leads to titling the sacrum and rotation of the hip. Titling of sacrum eases the ability of pumping making cerobro- spinal fluid to circulate ineffectively. This inefficiency leads to increase in toxin in the nervous system and lack of nutrients. Category one indicators arise due to the reduction in functioning of nerve system and might affect numerous organs and tissues in the body. The other assessment procedure is done by diagnosing category two. This category occurs due to stretching of sacro-iliac joint leading to separation of joint surfaces. This disrupts the spine right up position, nervous system and body balance. There is a disc which is located between the spinal vertebrae and their main function is spacers between bones and shock absorption. In case the body is working ineffectively the spaces they lead to alteration of the discs, which might irritate the nerves. In correction of category one misalignment, chiropractor is supposed to use two blocks which he or she

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Assignment 1 - Essay Example Based on the agreement between the Aroma of Baltimore’s CEO and Parisian that encompassed the former to supply him with perfume products to sell in France, the two are in contract. This is because Aroma of Baltimore’s CEO when he met the latter tried to explain to him concerning perfume products sold by his company together with having samples to show the Parisian. The perfume samples intrigued the Parisian whereby afterwards he ended up contacting Aroma of Baltimore’s CEO to supply him for sales in France. Hence, the contract involved in this case is that of Distribution agreement though many details the two parties have not come to a conclusion. This is because Aroma of Baltimore’s CEO is yet to work on the Parisian’s but insists their mode of dealings will be in line with law of Maryland (Tepper 283). Besides Maryland’s law, UCC is also applicable in this case whose elaboration is in terms of sales. Sales in agreement distribution encompas ses profits and how perfumes products will reach France and condition for the Parisian to collect them and sell in his stores of distribute. Suppose the involved parties in this case who embrace Parisian and Aroma of Baltimore’s CEO come to a conclusion they need to adhere to other set laws other than what I have described in this memo, they can do so. This is especially if the former insists on international law principles governing state to state contracts and somehow assuming a slightly different mode of business. This is especially if the Parisian cites what he intends to do is not only to sell in retail but also act as a distributor in the entire country whereby they may come to an agreement concerning what other laws that may apply. These include certain aspects, which they may agree to comply with while in business as a supplier or buyer. These aspects include policies supporting promises, which

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Choose from description below Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Choose from description below - Research Paper Example The author gives a good example of Europe during the Cold War when a huge percentage of the countries embraced the constriction of their soldiers (Yew-Kwang 374). However, the military draft was governed with a lot of controversies ranging from the costs incurred on the same which has forced a huge percentage of the countries to focus on volunteer efforts from other agencies so as to evade the costs (Yew-Kwang 375). Additionally, the weapons adopted in the war system are actually extremely sophisticated which has also contributed immensely to the elimination of conscription (Yew-Kwang 374). Despite the fact that the author argues, that the military draft may involve a lesser cost, it is arguable that the costs of paying this fee will be burdened on the taxpayers who have to overstretch their pockets to cater for that fund (Yew-Kwang 375). Sands’ article argues that the military draft may be useful for the protection of the humans, but the challenges that come alongside it are massive. The author gives an example of the Soviet bloc during the 2nd World War (Sands 33). The article also explains that adopting an all-conscript force is actually too expensive and does not save much cost for the taxpayers (Sands 33). Leaders of the present day era, as Sands argues, are ones that military forces and not military-conscript forces (34). Hummel explains that the military draft was applied in the case of USA during the Mexican war (30). The practices of the militia were by then varied from state to the other, some states spending about 2.5 % for the military draft (Hummel 40). Hummel takes a stand by saying that the difference portrayed in the USA militia drafts kept improving over the years, which led to efficient services from the militants (48). However, the author concludes by saying volunteer militia would be fit today, as opposed to provision of drafts as well as coercion to the militants (Hummel 69) Critique Yew-Kwang’s article may be termed as a vali d one for the study of the topic. It begins from the perspective of the author on what they would have done if they were to choose for or against the military draft. The author then gives an introduction that summarizes the paper. The next section focuses on the analysis of the work which is also explained in the form of graphical representation to explain the author’s perspective in details. The author also gives a simple model of calculation of the draft and its implications in a graphical representation with formulae to explain the graph (Yew-Kwang 379). From the conclusion of the article, it is evident that the author supports military draft in a way as he argues out to the economists that the draft may attract desirable costs. Sands’ article is in prose from and is seemingly one that contains explanations that may not actually be justified on the basis of the conclusions made. If the author had actually given raw data probably from the military personnel, the arti cle would have had a stronger implication on the reader or researcher in this field. Lastly Hummel’s work gives a historical account of what had been taking place throughout the world regarding the provision of military drafts as well as their effectiveness. With a detailed account of some of the wars fought during the time, the reader gets a clear glimpse of the exact picture of what ensued during the past and what needs to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cultural competence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cultural competence - Research Paper Example g adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control† (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948) The aforementioned text is hence a proof of the uniformity that exists between humans of different races in this world, however it completely disregards the actual situation prevailing, especially in the United States of America. In the United States of America, a major constituent of the population happens to fall under the category of African American. The African Americans form a major chunk of the total population of the United States of America and measure at a 15%, including the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. True to its traditions of racial discrimination, despite the efforts of empowerment of the Blacks, by Martin Luther King as well as Malcolm X, there still exists a lot of discrimination by the whites towards the blacks, mainly as a result of the notion which considers the Blacks as an inferior race to the whites, as a result of which, due to the negligence shown by the healthcare staff, particularly nurses, numerous African Americans, die every day. According to the statistics, in the United States of America, 38% of the African Americans suffer from hypertension, as compared to the 29% European Americans. â€Å"The combined overweight and obesity rates for African Americans are higher than for European Americans; 65% of African-American men and 56.5% of African-American women are overweight or obese, compared to 61% of European-American men and 49.2% of European-American women† (Health). Similarly, the occurrence of diabetes and deaths from cancer, are relatively way higher than that of the normal population, with 64% of all women suffering from fresh HIV infections

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Management - Essay Example Defined as all the man-made or man-modified physical structures that include buildings, space and products, infrastructure of communities, built environment encompasses homes, schools, roads, fixtures, parks, cities, and everything else touched he has touched (Cohen, 2005). Presently, the built environment addresses various divisions, from art and design, architecture and interior architecture, construction management, and urban and regional planning. Art and design, although minuscule and seemingly irrelevant in scale, have intermarried with architecture and urban planning never to part again as aesthetics no longer are limited to association with the age-old Renaissance. Urban planners and engineers work closely with architects, constructors, contractors, and designers and the built industry grows into a nature-friendly aspect of human enterprise. "Competing for the Future" presents considerable forward-thinking strategies for companies as they are challenged maintaining present status which are compared to mere running in place and threatened with global competitors (Mizrach, 1997). The book invokes management and employees to work together to innovate and foresee what may be given to consumers that would amaze and satisfy. Globalisation at that time already poked its threat to established multinational companies, when bubble was about to break, the book better-advised the senior and junior managements to have second thoughts. "instead of doing a lot of market research, we refine our thinking on a product and its use and try to create a market for it by educating and communicating with the public... our emphasis has always been to create something out of nothing," Hamel and Pralahad (1994, p.109) wrote. It suggested that senior management team must set aside a time of about 50 percent over a period of months in order to "develop a prescient and distinctive point of view about the future" and this may apply well to built industries, as earlier problems did not seem as complicated as they are right now. "Unlearning" was a keyword so that it meant there is a close scrutiny of the past, interlinked with market share opportunities and creation of core competencies transcending business units (Hamel and Pralahad, 1994). The book also encourages coalition, which has become inevitable now as an industry alone could no hardly address a single issue facing built environment. Speed, as the book have claimed, is important "in the battle for the future" but not necessarily in the future anymore. There are considerable pressures today invokes speed as an element to answer problems within the built industry as "Whole industries become vulnerable to new rules when all the incumbents accept, more or less, the same industry conventions," (Hamel and Pralahad, 1994). Industries were challenged not only to address genuine profit crisis but encouraged to create "quasi-crisis in advance" so that pointing out of the difference of achievement is considered by both a s pass, allowing for evolving competencies. One that hits the built industry bulls-eye is the book's claim that "A strategic architecture is the essential link between today and tomorrow, between short term and longer,' as urban planners now scamper to detail out solutions for the urban dilemma. More so, "Every company should

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Questions regarding weather Risk, breakeven exchange rate, Essay

Questions regarding weather Risk, breakeven exchange rate, - Essay Example In fact, this sort of trading would be comparable to trading the varying values of stock indices, currencies, interest rates and agricultural commodities. However, the inception of the  weather derivatives has made weather a tradeable commodity (Stephen Jewson, Anders Brix and Christine Zeihmann, 2005). Weather derivatives are financial instruments that can be applied by individuals or organizations as component of a risk management strategy to decrease the risk associated with adverse and unexpected weather conditions1. It is different from the crop insurance that is generally used for high risk coverage. The weather derivatives are mainly used for low risk events. Until recently, insurance has been the main tool used by companies for protection against unexpected weather conditions. But insurance provides protection only against catastrophic damage.  Insurance does nothing to protect against the reduced demand that businesses experience as a result of weather that is warmer or colder than expected. Farmers can use weather derivatives to hedge against poor harvests caused by drought or frost; theme parks may want to insure agains t rainy weekends during peak summer seasons. Hence the CEO of ADLA must use weather derivatives. For example, a company might use a weather derivative to hedge against a frost ans heavy wind velocity (a low-risk, high-probability event). In this case, the company knows its revenues would be affected by that kind of weather. But the same company would most likely purchase an insurance policy for protection against damages caused by a flood or hurricane (high-risk, low-probability events).  Ã‚   In contrast to the various outlooks provided by government and independent forecasts, weather derivatives trading will give this company (ADLA) a quantifiable view of those outlooks and hence protects the interests of the company against adverse weather elements. Over the counter trading weather derivatives are privately

Analyzing Popular Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analyzing Popular Culture - Essay Example Although this trend was not suitable for occasions in the past, it has been taken up by stylish people and stars all over the world and has become trendy and â€Å"chic† in the year 2014 ("Farewell to Faux Fashion." 23). Unlike the thoughts of many, the thesis of this paper is that ripped jeans can look good in many different forms and different styles of dressing. The ripped jeans can be dressed up or down, in different styles as either short or long, or even oversize or skinny, but still maintain its goodness in the different styles. A great challenge comes in trying to maintain the comfort while at the same time aiming at portraying an effortlessly pulled together distressed jeans ("Fashion Trends; Ripped Jeans." n.d.). Ripped jeans are a style of denim jeans that features tears and ripped parts which may include the knees, thigh, elbow and many others. Some think of ripped jeans as a sign of overuse. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, glam metal artists and rock and roll punk artists had begun to appear on stage wearing ripped jeans, in an attempt to create a casual punk statement. A good example is the American Poison band for glam metal music back in the 1980s were known for their ripped jeans fashion. After that, the popularity of the ripped jeans began to increase until it attracted designers and teenage fans. In the past couple of years, we began to find ripped jeans in almost all the designer brands and stores. Those who wear ripped jeans were no longer considered shabby. They are instead considered chic and stylish. Even celebrities such as, Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, and Kendall Jenner who are popular musicians seem to love them, and wear them on a regular basis especially during stage performance s. Various controversies have existed about this kind of fashion. Some people have usually had a thought that ripped jeans has no place in the fashion. The